Saunders/Sanders Family information
Information concerning Descendants of
Jesse & Ann (Yancey) Saunders
Yancey Family Surname Resource Center
Children of Jesse Saunders & Ann Yancey - taken from the YFGD
Dates in many cases are estimates - and should be used with much caution.
It should also be noted that, as taken from early writings about the Saunders family, the family as here recorded appears to be correct - but very little primary evidence exists providing concrete PROOF of the relationship between Jesse and Ann Saunders and these recorded children below.
DJY: I must emphasize that I have not, personally, seen the documents here transcribed - but only placed here what I have received from others - in the form of transcribed copies.
John Sanders - son of Jesse & ANN Saunders The will of John Sanders
In the name of God Amen. I John Sanders of Franklin County TN do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following 13t I give and devise to Wiley Sanders my tract of land on which I now reside containing seventy-five acres more or less and lying in district No. 4 adjoining the lands of Ancel Stovall Margaret Wilson Wm C. Lipscomb and T Damron to have and to hold to my son Wiley Sanders his heirs and assigns forever. I also give and divise all of my stock of horses consisting of one gray mare and two sorrel mares sorrel colt to my son Wiley Sanders. I also give and divise all of my stock of hogs and cattle excepted one pided cow and one yoke of work steers to my son Wiley Sanders to have and to hold forever. I also certify that I have no claim to the crop of wheat rye and corn raised on my land this year I also give and devise to my daughter Elizabeth Blanton one land warrant for eighty acres of land issued the 23`d of June 1856 No 36612 to have and to hold forever as sole portion of my estate. I also will all of my property not otherwise disposed of to be sold for the benefit of my other children to wit Patsey Ogletree, Polly Ogletree, Nancy J. Hill the bodily heirs of Alea B. Collins to receive her portion of my estate John Sanders Jr. and Clarissa J. Jones consisting of one wagon and one yoke of work steers one cow farming utensils household and kitchen furniture also three notes of hand, namely one Wm C Lipscomb one on H G Blanton one on R C Smith after paying all of of the sale of the above named property my just debts I wish the proceeds to be divided equally among the above named children to wit Patsey Ogletree, Polly Ogletree Nancy J. Hill the bodily heirs of Alia B. Collins in her stead John Sanders Jnr and Clarissa J. Jones for them to have and to hold as their portion of my estate forever I also appoint Wiley Sanders my Executor of this my Will to carry it out agreeably to this my Will and as the law requires. In testimony which I have subscribed my hand and affixed my seal this 2 day of September in the year of our Lord 1859.
Test. John West John Sanders seal Ancel M. Stovall
County Court Oct Term 1859. Here the last Will and Testament of John Sanders deceased was presented to court for probate and duly proven by the oaths of John West and Ancel M. Stovall subscribing witnesses there to and was ordered to be recorded Witness my hand at office the 14 of Oct 1859
Thomas Short DC
William Sanders (possible son of Jesse & ANN Saunders)
DJY: Based on documents below, and others, William Sanders had following children: (in no particular order) Vinson Sanders, Sion Sanders, Wiley Sanders, William Sanders, John Sanders, Willie Sanders (female) - possibly married Andew Wilson , Matilda Sanders (Tubbs), Margaret Sanders (Perry), Sarah Sanders (Tubbs), Elizabeth Sanders (Smith), Rebecca Sanders (Nunnery), Nancy Sanders (Smith), and apparently another daughter who married a Nicholas Fisher. Some researchers list a daughter Millie who married Andrew Wilson. But it would seem quite probable that Millie and Willie are one and the same person. I am also interested in learning of info that proves that his wife was Sarah Ragan.
There is a lot of question as to whether this William was indeed a son of Jesse & Ann Yancey Saunders. If he was a son - he must have been one of the oldest children and married at a very young age. Some researchers record a son of William - Vinson (Viuncent) and records a birth date of 1769. Either this was a different Vinson - or this would prove that William was not a son of Jesse as he would not have been old enough to father a child in 1769.
[DJY: Not sure of date here - must be about 1811/1812]
Paid to the Appraisers of the estate of William Sanders,
Deceased To Thomas
Robinson . $1.00
To Richard Holden . 1.00
To Nathan Boon 0.50
Paid Richard Holen,
Cryer of the Sale . 1.00
David Koan, Clerk of DO . 2.00
Furnished the sale with
7 gallons Whiskey per Naaman Curtis . 5.25
Paid back for corn that lacks in a rneasurment...1.20
Paid taxes 0.57
Paid to William Watson as per ? 5.00
Paid to Issac Jackson as per ...3.945
Paid to Elizabeth Sanders as per
receipt 51.50
Paid to Wiley Sanders as per receipt 51.50
Paid to William Tubbs
as per receipt 51.50
Paid to Jeremiah Smith as per receipt 51.50
Paid for one
Quire of paper for use of sale 0.37
Paid ordinary on Administration 5.00
Paid ordinary on Examining & having the ... (second line illegible) 3.00
WILLIAM SANDERS, Deceased Pendleton District, South Carolina
[DJY: Note dates vary here from 1812 to 1816 - Note Andrew Wilson name not
showing up until about 1816 - indicating that was about the date he married
Willie Sanders]
Naaman Curtis, Administrator of Estate John Crage, Guardian for Willi Sanders, acknowledges receipt of Fifty Dollars, as paid as a part of the legacy of said Willi Sanders, 10 December 1812.
John Sanders, 6 May 1815, then rec'd of Naaman Curtis Administrator of the estate of William Sanders, Dec'd., the sum of Fifty Dollars in full for my part, as one of the legatees of said Estate.
Elizabeth Sanders, 3rd day of January 1812 received of Haaman Curtis,
Administrator of the Estate of William Sanders, Dec'd., the sum of Fifty one
Dollars and Fifty cents by me.
Thos. Robertson
Elizabeth Sanders (her mark)
Wiley Sanders, 3rd day of January 1812 received of Haaman Curtis,
Administrator of the Estate of William Sanders, Dec'd., the sum of Fifty one
Dollars and Fifty cents by me.
Test. Thos. Robertson
Wyley Sanders
William Tubb & Sary Tubb, this 3rd day of January 1812 received of Haaman
Curtis, Administrator of the Estate of William Sanders, Dec'd., the sum of Fifty
one Dollars and Fifty cents by me.
His Test Thos. Robertson
William Tubb (his mark)
Sary Tubb (her mark)
William Tubbs, Dec 24, 1816 Then received of Haaman Curtis, Administrator of
the estate of William Sanders, Dec'd., One hundred sixty one dollars and 20
cents in full for Sion Sanders, William Sanders, Willie Sanders, John Sanders,
Nicholas Fisher, Daniel Tubbs, Liddy Sanders and William Tubbs, for their part
of said estate by me as aturns for the above legatees. His Dec. 24, 1816
William Tubb (his mark)
Andrew Wilson, Then received of Haaman Curtis Administrator of the estate of
William Sanders, Dec'd., two dollars and fifty cents in full for his part of
said Estate by me as legatee.
Andrew Wilson
Vinson Sanders, Received of Haaman Curtis Administrator of the Estate of
William Sanders, Dec'd., Fifteen Dollars in cash also the amount of property
that I received of said estate in the lifetime of my Father the said William
Sanders, Thirty Five dollars that I gave in an oath I say received by me.
Vinson Sanders
William Tubbs, South Carolina, Pendleton District Personally came William Tubbs before me John Green, Esqr. and being lawfully sworn on his oath sayeth that he has never received any part as legatee of the estate of William Sanders, Decd., in the lifetime of said Sanders, Decd.
Sworn to before me this His 23rd December 1816
William Tubb
John Green,
J. P. Mark
Deed involving children of William & Sarah Ragan Sanders
Anderson Book N Page 317, LDS Roll J-00887 0022842
William Tubs
et al to
Andw. Willson
South Carolina }
Pendleton District }
Know all men by these presents that we that is William Tubs and Jerimiah Smith of the State of Tennessee and Hickmondy County for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to them in hand paid by Andw Wilson of Pendleton District and State of South Carolina has bargained and sold unto the said Willson nine shares of a tract of land formerly belonging to William Sanders deceast, as legatees of said Estate, the land having such shapes as shall be here after described the said William Tubs having full power and authority to assign over seven parts of said land besides his own. that is Sean Sanders, William Sanders, Millie [or Willie?] Sanders, John Sanders, Nickolas Fisher, Daniel Tubs Liddy Sanders. Be it also known by these presents that I John Simpson of the State and District above mentioned for and in consideration of the sum of forty Dollars to him in hand paid by Andw Wilson of said District have bargained and sold unto the said Wilson three shares of the land of the Estate of William Sanders deceast, that is Vinson Sanders, Kinchen Perry and Nathaniel Murray. We the above William Tubs, Jerimiah Smith and John Simpson have bargained and sold unto the said Wilson such shairs as above mentioned of a tract of land situate in said District on Little river in all containing one hundred and seventy seven acres Beginning on the East side of the River on a white oak 3x running N55E28 to a stake 3x and from there N44E8 to a post oak 3x and thence S82E5 to a post oak 3x from thence S19W7 to a black oak 3x and thence S4E24.26 to a black oak 3x and from thence S82E24.26 to a black oak 3x and S55w23 to a pine 3x and from thence 68S78 to a Spanish oak 3x and thence W20.23 to a pine 3x and from thence W33 to red oak 3x on the River the said land was granted to Thomas Wafer by a plat bearing date the forth day of February one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine by his Excellency Edw Rutledge Esq Together with all and singular the rights members, hereditaments and appurtinances to the said premises belonging or in any wise or appurtaining. To have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Andw Willson his heirs and assigns forever And we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Andw Wilson his heirs and assigns against ourselves and our heirs and against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof as witness our hands and seals this twentieth day of November one thousand eight hundred and sixteen and in the forty first year of the Independence of the United States of America. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
John x Sanders
William x Tubs (L.S.)
Andw M Callister John Simpson (L.S.)
Jeremiah Smith (L. S.)
South Carolina
Pendleton District
Personally came Andrew McAllister before me one of the Justices obliged to keep the proof and on his oath saith that he saw William Tubs, John Simpson Jeremiah Smith sign seal and deliver the within as their act and deed and for the purposes within and that he saw John Sanders with himself sign it a witness sworn to and signed before me this 26th of Sept 1817
John Simpson Q.u. Andw M Callister
(Recorded 26th Sept 1817 and Examined by Jesse P. Lewis D Clk.)
James Sanders - son of Jesse & ANN Saunders
In the name of god aman I James Saunders being of
sound mind and memory and calling to mind that man has once to Dy do make and
ordain this my Last will and testament - In manner and Form following
To wit -
First I Recomend my sole to God who gave it to me and my body to be decently
buried and as to my little goods or property that god Has given to me or that I
posess I wish after my death to be disposed of in manner and form Followings,
First my wish is that my wife Levisa Saunders keep every thing carefully in her
hands to rase my children [on?] and for her ease and comfort while the first
child is married then what seames resonable to spare out of sd property
My wish is for him to have that much and so on with the Rest as they may marry
leaving a competency for herself during life as she remains a widow that long
but if my wife should marry on that day if she marrys my wish is that she has
nothing more to do with the propererty but the court shall , I have my wish
appoint one or two of my sons guardians for the rest if they should be old and
If not some prudent person of their choosing to manage while my son William and
James Saunders shall come of proper age and my wish Is that they shall then
manage for themselves sisters and brothers and that and equal division that
place In my property both rail and personal between My six Children that I have
had By s'd Levisa namily Marry Handly, Tabithat More, William Bowen, James
Yancey, John Henry & Samuel Adams Saunders. My Children by my first wife I
love out of this will altogether and should my wife never marry at her death all
the property (land ?) as that remained in her possession is to be equally
divided between my two daughters and four sons as above named and if my wife
marry's I wish her to put up with a childs part during life.
Sign sealed and delivered the 17th day of January 1825
In the presence of:
William B______
Isaac Walton
Richard Jones