LWFC Adopts Resolution to Rename WMA in Honor of Richard K. Yancey

Richard K Yancey 1925-2013

May 3, 2013 – The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission adopted a resolution on May 2 to rename the Red River-Three Rivers Wildlife Management Area in honor of distinguished conservationist Richard K. Yancey.
Yancey, who passed away in March at age 88, was a former assistant secretary of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) whose career at the department spanned 31 years between 1948 and 1979.
"As a visionary in wildlife habitat preservation, Richard worked tirelessly to set aside acreage within the state's wildlife management area program for the habitat value it provides various fish and game species, and for the enjoyment of outdoorsmen and women for generations to come," said LDWF Secretary Robert Barham.
Yancey began as a field biologist and progressed to project leader, becoming the LDWF’s first Waterfowl Study Leader. He was promoted to chief of the Fur and Refuge Division, assistant director of Wildlife and then assistant secretary of the Office of Wildlife.
Over the length of his career, which included service as executive director of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Conservation, Yancey served on the Executive Committee of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (State, Provencial and Federal Agencies of Canada, the US and Mexico), as chairman of International Treaties Committee and Migratory Wildlife Committee, as chairman of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commissions and president of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
He also served as chairman of the Mississippi Flyway Council Regulations Committee and Technical Committee and Flyway Council, and was co-chairman of the Tensas Conservancy Coalition which created the Tensas National Wildlife Refuge and Big Lake Wildlife Management Area, to be preserved in perpetuity.
Yancey was also the recipient of many international, national and state awards including National Wildlife Foundation Wildlife Conservationist of the Year in the U.S. in 1980 for outstanding contributions to the wise use and management of the Nation's natural resources, the Ducks Unlimited Outstanding Service Award in 1970, the La. Outdoor Writers Conservationist of the Year in 1969, the LSU Forestry Alumni of the Year Award in 1969, and the Governor's Award for Outstanding Professional in Louisiana for Wildlife in 1964.
Yancey served his country in World War II in the U.S. Navy, earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Louisiana State University in forestry and a Master of Science degree from LSU in wildlife management and had over 100 publications in the field of wildlife management.




Richard K Yancey


Birth:  Jan. 5, 1925
Death:  Mar. 19, 2013

On Tuesday, March 19th, our Father graciously took Richard K. Yancey, beloved husband, brother, father and grandfather, to be with him. He was 88 years old.

Richard is survived by his wife of 64 years, Susan, his children, Kay Yancey, Richard C. Yancey, and Linda Ray and her husband Robert, grandchildren, Michael and Carolyn Ray, his brother, Charles Yancey and his wife Elizabeth, his niece, Elizabeth Staples, and his nephews, Vaughan Yancey, and Charles McCoy and his wife Becca.

He was a Wildlife, Forestry and Wetlands Consultant, the Assistant Director of the LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Commission and the Executive Director of the MS Dept. of Wildlife Conservation. He received numerous international, national and state awards including: National Wildlife Foundation Wildlife Conservationist of the Year in the U.S. for outstanding contributions to the wise use and management of the Nation's natural resources '80; Ducks Unlimited Outstanding Service Award '70; LA Outdoor Writers Conservationist of the Year '69; LSU Forestry Alumni of the Year Award '69; Governor's Award Outstanding Professional in LA for Wildlife '64; George Connell Award Outstanding Conservationist Award '63; T.A. Thompson Memorial Award Outstanding Conservationist '63 and '64; International; on the Executive Committee of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (State, Provencial and Federal Agencies of Canada, the US and Mexico); Chairman of International Treaties Committee and Migratory Wildlife Committee. Representative to joint U.S. Canadian Steering Committee '84-'86; Migratory Species Convention Member, U.S. Dept. of State delegation, Bonn, Germany '79, and Chairman of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commissions '80; President of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies '81; Chairman of the MS Flyway Council Regulations Committee and Technical Committee and Flyway Council; Advisor to the MS Forestry Association Board of Directors and the MSU and LSU Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Advisor; Co-Chairman of the Tensas Conservancy Coalition '81-'85, creating the Tensas National Wildlife Refuge and Big Lake Wildlife Management Area to be preserved in Perpetuity. He had approximately 100 publications in the field of wildlife management.

He served in World War II in the U.S. He served at sea as executive Officer on LCI 237 in Sicily, Italy, southern France, Tunisia and Albania.

Richard is preceded in death by a large amount of fish, ducks, and other wild game, and also numerous beloved hunting dogs.

Graveside service at Port Hudson National Cemetery. Resthaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Obituary published in The Advocate from March 20 to March 21, 2013.