Jonathan Harriman Hale
Son of Alma & Sarah Annie Clark
I was born of goodly parents at Grantsville, Tooele County, Utah, 10 August 1875, the son of Alma Helaman Hale and Sarah Anna Clark. My father was born in Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, 24 April 1836, the son of Jonathan Harriman Hale and Olive Boynton. My mother was born in Colchester, Essex County, England, 27 March 1842, the daughter of Daniel Clark and Elizabeth Gower. My four grandparents left all for the gospel's sake and I was born under the new and everlasting covenant.
A Sister House was with mother when I was born. She said that I was a pretty black eyed baby but that I got uglier as I got older.
One of my earliest remembrances was when I was three years old. My brother Solomon William died when he was a month and two days old. My mother took me in where he was laid out and showed him to me.
Also, when I was three, our neighbor, Riley Judd, gave father a roan Durham heifer calf because his family needed all the mother cow's milk. Father gave me the calf and he also gave me a colt. From these I got my start. When I was six years old, the calf, now three years old, had a pair of twins, one male and one female. I had been sick most of the winter and when they were born, my brother wrapped me in a quilt and carried me out to see my new calves. I later traded the bull calf for a saddle so when the colt was old enough to ride I had a saddle to put on him.
When I was about four years old I went with father and mother in a white top carriage to Morgan, Utah, to visit Grandmother Clark. It was the first time I had ever seen her. I remember the team of black horses that we drove, Prince and Robin. In going up Weber Canyon the road was close to the railroad track and the train passed us. The team was frightened and tried to run away. (My Grandfather Clark died while crossing the plains in 1864 and my grandmother married John Wood in 1867.)
After we got to her place, I remember sitting on the sofa eating bread and honey.
Father frequently told us about the time he was left to take care of his little sister, Retta. A man offered him a stick of candy as long as his arm for his sister. He told him "Yes". After father had eaten the candy he started to cry and the man gave him back his little sister. Later in life when he introduced Retta he would say "This is my sister who I traded for a stick of candy as long as my arm." -- Clara
When I was seven years old I started to school to Joshua R. Clark (father of J. Reuben Clark who later became Counselor to the President of the Church). We had to pay a tuition of $5.00 a quarter or twenty dollars a year to go to school so I could go only for the winter term. I went to this school for four years and then the fifth year, Mattie Tolman was my teacher. The winter I was twelve years old I went the whole year to W. G. Collett. This was the only year of my life that I went a full year. He was the only real teacher of my life and I learned more than I did in any other one year of schooling.
Father baptized me on my birthday, 10 August 1883 in the warm spring three miles northwest of Grantsville. Father confirmed me the same day.
When I was eight years old I went with father to Stockton with hay and grain. I picked up a piece of fuse with a giant cap on it. In experimenting with the same I shot the thumb and first finger off of my left hand at the first joint. When father took hold of our hand with this thumb and finger the grip was as firm as a steel vise. We liked to rub them because they were soft and different than other fingers. Then he would catch us and hold us. There was no getting away. -- Olive
When I was nine years old I went with father, who was then in the sheep business, to visit the herd in the mountains east of Salt Lake City where my two brothers, Ernest and Albert, were herding them. We went up Emigration Canyon and over Little and Big Mountain, over the Pioneer Trail. Father told me of the trip he made when he was twelve years old, across the plains, driving the loose stock on foot, an orphan boy. (His father and mother were both buried at Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 1846.) Also he told me of the trip he made in 1868 as commissary and wagon master with fifty teams to the Missouri River to bring five hundred emigrants over the same trail. He showed me the place where Brigham Young saw the valley and saw that it was the place the Lord had shown him in vision and lie made the assertion "This is the Place." That spot is now marked by a monument.
I was ordained a deacon by John Rich when I was twelve years old and became a member of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association. I have been a member ever since. My teacher, Mr. Collett, was the president.
Father had been trying to get started doing temple work on the Hale line but lived too far from the temple. In February 1887 father and mother went to Logan with my brother, Ernest, who was to be married in the temple and while there did some work on mother's line and got the spirit of the work. That year father moved his wife, Ellen Victoria Clark, and her family to a ranch on the east side of Bear River in the southern part of Gentile Valley, Idaho. In April 1888 we moved to Cache County. Father wanted to be near the temple. He bought a farm of about sixty acres, two and one-half miles north of Smithfield, about ten miles from the temple. My brother, Aroet, my cousin, Frank Hale (son of Aroet L. Hale) and I drove our milk cows and young stock the one hundred sixty miles from Grantsville to Smithfield. We had three horses and a single buggy to haul our grub and bedding in. The rest of the family went on ahead with wagons and buggies. We milked the cows night and morning and took it slow. We bought hay for them every night. The cows went down only a little in their milk although we were on the road seven days.
For a period of time after grandfather moved to Smithfield and Gentile Valley there was severe persecution for all who were practicing polygamy. Federal officers used all kinds of wiles to catch the men. Grandfather was not to be found in either Smithfield or Gentile Valley. Father, only 13 years of age, was left alone much of the time to carry on the work of the farm, milk the old Durham cow and care for the garden. He felt this was a great responsibility for one so young.
While in Smithfield father spent one winter with Uncle Ernest breaking sixty head of horses to work. They then took them to Salt Lake City and sold them on the market. He also spent one year with Uncle Sol Hale hauling rock for the Preston Stake Tabernacle. -- Owen
I went to free schools in Smithfield to Frank Fishburn and William Raymond until I was seventeen. I could only go from November to the last of March because I had to work on the farm during the summer. The last year I went to school was when I was seventeen. I took a course in Bookkeeping and Commercial Law under Reverend Thompson, a Methodist minister, at night.
I was ordained a teacher by Robert Bain, 3 July 1890, at Smithfield when I was fifteen. I was ordained a Priest 16 Feb. 1892 by G. L. Farrell, when I was seventeen.
When father was about seventeen years of age he had a nice black saddle horse which was a real beauty and looked very good going down the road. When it came to making a cow pony out of it or anything else useful, it did not produce. After working with it for about a year, he was getting tired of it so as spring broke, he decided he would get rid of it.
When he had finished getting the crops in at Smithfield he rode up to Gentile Valley to see Aunt Nellie and the family there and to see how they were coming with the crops. After working with the boys there for a few days and having a good visit he started for home, taking it easy as it was a two day ride.
Along in the afternoon of the first day, he saw a horseman coming along toward him with a little well-built but not too showy buckskin horse and each eyed the other's horse as they drew together. When they came together, the other fellow spoke first and said,
"How will you swap?"
Father took one more look at his horse and said, "Pull your leather."
The other fellow seemed satisfied so he dismounted and started pulling his saddle and father did the same. in less than five minutes they had made the change with very Little comment and they were on their way again.
Father found the new horse was a good traveller and although not as fast as the other one, was very willing and ready to do his bit so father felt good about the trade until he got home. As was his habit he started to ride his new horse right into the barn, not thinking but what it would go right in, but when it got nearly to the door, it wheeled and began lunging and trying to get away. He tried the second time, to try to find out what was the matter. This time he realized that the horse had never been in a barn before and that it would take a Little persuasion of some kind. He now rode the horse around the yard and next to the barn and quieted him down and then tried the third time all set for any emergency and just as he reached the spot where the horse bolted before, he gave it the spurs and the quirt and the horse jumped through the door and stood shaking with fright.
After a couple of days old Buck lost his fear of the barn and seemed in all ways a gentle horse or at least one that was safe to be around. It wasn't long before Rettie and Viola were wanting to ride the new horse. They were about 14 and 10 years of age. At first they would lead it around the yard and then they would try climbing on by climbing up the stirrups, and soon it was their horse.
Some weeks Later word came from Gentile Valley from his older brother, Edgar, that Old Buck was a killer and not to Let the girls around that horse. When grandfather got the word, both Rettie and Viola were on the horse, having a good time. He Looked out the window and saw what they were doing and said, "Well, he doesn't look very much Like a mean horse to me," and he didn't interefere with their fun.
They later found that the horse had been spoiled in the breaking and when certain men came around him, he would show his temper and had caused a number of near serious accidents and he especially hated Indians. He was a horse which would give respect where respect was shown. They found that by treating him right, he would act right. -- Nathan
In the spring of 1893 father and five others, who owned the Young Men's Cooperative at Smithfield started a store in Salt Lake City to get rid of the produce taken in for goods at the store. The cooperative sent Newton Woodruff, son of Pres. Wilford Woodruff, and me to run the store. I was to keep the books and help handle the mill stuff from the Farmer's Union Mill and all farm produce -- butter, eggs, chickens, small fruit, hay grain and potatoes. The store was at 160 East 2nd South. We sold the produce in Salt Lake City for cash. It was a new life for me.
I arrived in Salt Lake City in time to attend the last session of the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple, 24 Apr 1893. It was a wonderful experience. I enjoyed the day and decided I would come back there again.
While working in the store one day, David Sessions came in and ordered some fruit that was coming in and wanted Newton Woodruff to bring it out to Bountiful the next day. Turning to me he said, "Come on out with him and have dinner with us. We have a nice little girl at our house." So the next day we went out but his daughter was not at home. I did meet his granddaughter, Mary Rebecca Moss, his daughter had gone home with one of her sisters after Sunday School. Mary and her sister, Phebe, had walked three miles to come to Grandma Sessions' -- and so we met. After dinner we took the girls home in our delivery wagon.
Some time later I went out again to see about my horse that was in the Sessions' field. The daughter, Annie was away from home again. After dinner "Grandpa" hooked up his horse and buggy and took me down to see Mary again. It seemed that we could never get each other out of our minds after that. We started to correspond with each other. It seemed a funny thing but I never met Annie Sessions until after Mary and I were married
I spent the summer in Salt Lake City and boarded part of the time with Wilford Woodruff, Jr. it was during the fall of this year that the panic of 1893 struck the West. Everything went down. Work stopped and men were thrown out of work and our business was soon costing more to run than we could take in. We soon had to close our store and sell only from a storage room. One man was left to see to the delivery and receiving. I went back to Smithfield and spent the rest of the fall on the books of the store, got out statements of all accounts and worked on their collection until the last of November. I spent the winter getting wood and feeding stock.
I was at Aunt Nellie's in Gentile Valley getting out wood to haul to Smithfield to burn when I received a call for a mission to the Southern States. My father ordained me an Elder 29 Jan 1894. Father was ordained by Brigham Young and he by Joseph Smith and he by Peter, James and John and they by Jesus Christ and He by His Father. On the 21st of Feb 1894 I had my endowments in the Logan Temple and spent the rest of the month there doing eleven endowments for the dead on our Hale line.
On the 22 Apr. 1894 I left my home in Smithfield for my mission, visited with Uncle Tom Stayner in Ogden, then out to Grantsville and visited with Aunt Rose and Uncle George W. Hammond and Uncle Aroet L. Hale and family and friends. Then I went to Salt Lake City. There I was set apart for my mission and went through the Salt Lake Temple
On 28 Apr 1894 I started for my mission. There were seventeen of us boys left Salt Lake City for the south and we had a good trip. We laid over in Denver Sunday and visited Trinity Church for Sunday School. Then we continued our journey.
We arrived in Chatanooga, Tenn., the first day of May at 2 a.m. We were met at the depot by Elder George Albert Smith, clerk of the mission and later Pres. of the Church. Here I had the privilege of going out to the Mission home and administering to Elder Smith's wife, Emma Woodruff Smith, granddaughter of Pres. Wilford Woodruff. I had stayed at her father's home while in Salt Lake working and again for a few days before coming on my mission. Her father had asked me to see her and take a message of love to her.
Elder Smith, then in charge, sent Erastus T. Larsen and I to Decalb Country and we met Elder Willard Bean. I traveled with him three weeks and then I went down to Coffee Country and labored with George S. Callister of Salt Lake City for some time. I had many experiences in the mission field that strengthened my testimony and broadened my mind a great deal.
In August of 1894 1 took the typhoid fever while among strangers. I was taken across a mountain on a mule, with one of the Elders walking on each side to hold me on, to the home of some Saints where I stayed until I could travel again. On the third day of the fever I came to myself after a spell of delirium and told the Elders who were with me, George S. McCallister, A. Y. Duke and Don C. Rushton, that I wanted them to administer to me. I told them I was not going to die for the Apostle that had set me apart for my mission promised me that I should go in peace and return in safety. I was healed. The fever broke in ten days and I was able to go on. Dr. Kirby, a friend of ours, said he was going to do as well as the Mormons and save at least one. Thirteen others had died of the fever. He nursed a young man for twenty-three days of fever and he did live. At the end of ten days I set out for conference seventy-five miles away on foot. I gave out a couple of times and had to be hauled a few miles but we succeeded in arriving in time for conference.
While we were at the conference we went to visit a Young couple whose little girl was sick with some kind of malady. Great sores broke out all over her and no one could do anything for her. Her family had been attending the meetings and studying the Gospel and had wanted their little girl administered to. The Elders administered to her and she was healed and in a few days the scabs were falling off and her skin was like a child's should be. They, with others, were to be baptized, but after his wife was baptized the father backed out and said he was afraid he could not defend the Gospel and then the Devil got hold of him and he turned against the truth and started to scoff at his wife and keep her from associating with the Saints. One evening he came in with the milk from their cow and set the pail on the table and said, "Now, [if] you can turn stones into bread and I won't have to work." When she started to strain the milk it was thick clabber.
When we came to this house, Elder A. Y. Duke started to open the gate about two rods from the house. The man came out with a shot gun and said he would shoot the first one who came through the gate. Elder Duke stood with his hand on the half open gate and told him how the Lord had healed his little girl and how he had turned against the truth and threatened His servants and said, "I prophesy that the time will soon come when you will want the Elders to come, will pray for them to come, will send for them and search for them, but they will not come." Then we left him and soon after started for conference and there each of us was given other Elders as companions and sent in four different counties to labor. A month or so later we all four received a letter from him pleading for us to come and administer to him, and also a telegram came. We received them. Also John Holam, one of the members, tried to find us for the mail mentioned above. he rode a horse nearly three hundred miles and rode all around all of us and people told him they had seen us, that we were there in the neighborhood, but he could not find any of us. The man remained in all kinds of agony and three doctors were called and all said there was nothing wrong with his body but it was all in his mind and after about three weeks he died praying that we would come to him and heal him, saying he knew it was a curse from God for turning against the work of the Lord. We could not go to him because Pres. Elias S. Kimball had told us not to go to him.
The little daughter of John Watson related the following story to me: Elder Willard Bean and companion had been teaching the Gospel to her family and she had been listening to them tell her parents that if they would ask the Lord in faith He would give them a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel; so she went down by the spring near the house where she had her little playhouse under the willows and prayed to the Lord and he gave her a testimony and then in the evening when the family was together she- told them she wanted to be baptized, that she had done as the Elders told them to do and she knew the Gospel was true and this set them to thinking, and soon all of the family was baptized and all were faithful members.
Mother has preserved many of the letters father wrote to her while he was in the mission field. This is one we have chosen to show his zeal in his work, his humor, love of nature and all. It is thought provoking when you realize he was just going to turn twenty years of age. The letter is written in indelible pencil and the printer could not take it off so I am typing it just as it is., punctuation, spelling and all.
Shelbyville July 14, 95.
Miss Mary,
Dear Friend:
I was very much pleased on ariving in town for mail to find you had not as yet forgotten your friend in Tenn. As your letter of the 5th was read with the greatest of pleasure. and I now take the opportunity of again trying to give you a few moments reading in the shape of a letter (if you can read it) Well the 4th is over with you and I guess you had a pleasant time according to your letter. Well this country is dead and buried, and has been ever since the war in 4th Celebrations. there was nothing of interest happened only the baptising of a young lady by the mormons here in this neighborhood Elder Larsen went into the water at 6 A. M. in the morning after we had walked 2 miles to the river. She now has the whole neighborhood to stand off as they are all after her all the time. But she says she never was happier in her life she now knows she is right and I tell you she can defend the principles of the Gospel with the Bible too. An old minister tackled her the other day but he begin to think he had got the rong one and soon was on his way some where else, where the "mormons" couldn't get hold of him. I tell you that the saints here in this country have to study more and have ten times more to stand than we do at home and they can confute the fables of the world in any argument. We at home have no one to bring us to our duties and we will not come of ourselves- we often think well we are mormons and we are all right, but if we do not prepair our selves for the preasance of God there is but one thing about it we will never gain His presence and there will be many who are of Isreal who will find their crown missing on account of the slackness in not prepairing them selves but drifting into the habits of the world.
"If you are of the world the world will love its own but because I have called you out of the world the world will hate you." Well I didn't intend preaching to you so I'll stop that subject. I heard from my Mother And they have been having a good time 2 uncles and 3 aunts 5 cousins all been at our place at once doing work in the temple for their parents and have just returned home again now. Yes and my sister that married little over a year ago has a bouncing baby boy about a month and half old born May 27. All well with them. Another of our elders has returned Elder A. Y. Duke returned about the 8th of this month and Walker of Millard Co. takes his place.
We leave for our summer vacation Tuesday morning and expect to have a nice time as we have many friends to visit and some to baptise this summer in Van Buren, White, and Warren Co. I have a new companion namely Wentz of Provo. Graduate of College there. You wrote that you weighed 126# 1 would have thought by your photo that you would have weighed 150# you look healthy any way. There are some flowers here but many times more at home but there are some here very pretty, some large forest trees blossom very pretty but they are all gone now. Say did you know that our birthday was coming pretty soon. I believe it is about the 9 & 10 of August . If I am not mistaken and we will then be out of our teens won't we? I has been 15 months in a few days since I left home. Time is flying past and who is keeping pace with it I am afraid I am not. Say May you wouldn't know me if you would see me now the other day. I shaved off clean again and hardly knew my self when I looked in the glass. And the warm weather has reduced me to 155# in weight. We have had 2 weeks rain and don't look like it is through yet. Mary what would you do if your Fattier was to threaten to drive you from home for obeying the Gospel, like our Saint father here that we baptised on 4th did? I guess you would think well it's the Gospel and Salvation first and earthly considerations afterwards like she did wouldn't you? But it looks hard to us who have lived in peace all our lives but we see it every day many of the saints can not even let the Elders come into their houses to visit them just because they are if mormons". One lady writes in the news - for her friends in Utah to help her as She can not let the elders come to see her and her people torment her all the time on account of her religion. This is only one of many cases where we find them in this predicument. She is still living up to the Gospel principles as near a possible. We have been eating apples to day here at the expence of and old man who is a very kind man to us. and always makes us welcome when we call. If you don't look out you will be on the old maids list or off the marked as the saying is they say when they pass out of their teens it is time to be looking around for a mate don't they? or isn't that bothering your mind? Many of the couples here mary in the winter and by summer they are parted again and gone home to their ma's again, two in our neighborhood have parted in the past 2 months. marriage gets an old thing with them in a few months then they quit it a while and some time come and live together again - well this is the longest letter I ever wrote to you I guess- so I stop for this time. Hoping this will find all well as it leaves your old and cincere friend
Jonathan H Hale.
Manchester June 29/94
Last night we were turned off 5 times and then we had to walk out to town to Hotel which made 12 miles walk and then it was 9 P. M. when we arived here an so we go no supper put I made up for that this morning when I got to the table. We generaly have breakfast at 4 A. M. so we have to get up before we wake to get any. I believe I can convince most of the people that Mormons have no horns if no other way than by shoving them the Photos of some friends and relatives which I have with me, so if wont to help me to convince of this fact just send yours along to go with the rest and it will be gladly excepted. My Brother-in-law returned home a month or more ago. And brought the remains of my Sister (with him) Who died down on the Samoan Isles 3 year ago they were met by the young ladies at the Depot who showed they appreciation towards her as she was one off the Presidency before she went .... The blackberrys are ripe here now but I would like to get into a strawberry patch we can get all the blackberrys we want and often make out a dinner on them was pleased to hear they you have been well and enjoying yourself some little anyway but I don't believe you do go out very much.
Wheat is harvested now and thrashing beginning they cut a great deal of the wheat with a cradle as they have the ground standing on one age (edge) so they can plant on both sides I have often wondered why they were so many people here and the state so small but that is the reason they live on both sides. Corn is starting to tosle in some places and the weather is about 95 or 100 in the shade.
Pleasant View. Nov 20/1895
.... Talk about winter I can't hardly keep warm my self had to get over by the fire and write on my knee so never mind if you can't read it I warrent you'll guess it out in some way before you'll give it up. All the trees have shed their beautiful leaves and are now looking bare and lonesome the ground is no more covered with green leaves and green grass nor the orchards with mellow apples all the beauty of the earth have faded away and are taking a rest to come forth again after the fleeting snows shall have left us no more to see 1895. Just think of it only a month more time we will begin to write 1896 why that's something that Washington never had the privilege of doing. that is living in 1896. I hardly think I like that marying and leaving but some of these girls are afraid if they don't tie the knot that their lover will find one he loves more and leave them out so I guess it is necessary some times. of cource the young men are not at all concerned for if they do get left some time they are better of than if they dident.
Sweet Gwinn Aug 12/95
Oh! how we are magnified in the eyes of the people they think that we boys are well educated an learned before we come out here and they tell us that we are the finest preachers -- they ever heard. But it is so hard to leave the world of sin and serve God in the World. It is hard for the people here to make up their minds to obey the truth.
Boma Putnam Co Sept. 20/94
We have baptised several since I wrote last and will baptise more next week so we are doing something out here . .... I guess you are over with the thrashers and glad of it. Well May there is pleasure in missionary labor whether the people in Utah think so or not I have never Injoyed myself better in my life than I have since I came here to the south. At conferance we had a good time and received many good instructions from our President Elias S. Kimball which we will remember when we get back to our fields of labor. I am now at Bro. Watsons. One of the best saints in the south he takes care of more mormons than any other two in the country and always likes to have them come-- I will never for get them as long as I live. Also many other kind friends who are pleased to take care of us and will do any thing to our comfort . . .
And now we will continue with father's own writing of his history:
In 1895 I had an experience with the mob. My companion and I, a new Elder not long from home, were sent down in the southern part of the state of Tennessee to visit a man whose wife was baptized first, without her husband being baptized, which never turns out good. Afterwards he turned against her and persecuted her and she left him and later went to Utah. The President of the Mission sent us to visit him to see if we could reconcile him to going to her and to keep the family together. He was not very pleased to see us but he kept us. We got two of the trustees consent to hold meetings in the school house but could not see the other one.
The people got stirred up over our efforts and got the third trustee to lock the door. He and the others signed a paper and tacked it on the door saying they objected to us holding the meeting. On Sunday morning when we arrived to hold the meeting about twenty-five men were standing or sitting near the school house and when we stepped up on tile platform at the door they formed a half circle around the platform and as I found the door locked, they asked, "Do you see that notice on the door?" I said, "I had not noticed it", turned and started to read it out loud to them and when I came to the names I read two or three, then turned and said, "Unless you will answer to your names I won't know whether you are the ones who signed it." Then I started talking to them, praying that I could keep from angering them for they were all drinking and seemed to be armed as we could see some of their pistols. After talking to them and asking them questions for about fifteen minutes, I said, "Gentlemen, if you don't want us to preach to you, we will bid you good-morning and be on our way," and stepped down off the platform. They parted and let us through and not a man moved until we were at least two rods away. They then went to their horses and rode away. The Lord came to our rescue through our prayers and we were not hurt. I felt sure the Lord would preserve us for I was promised I should go in peace and return in safety when I was set apart in Salt Lake City for my mission.
It was my privilege to baptize five of my own converts and with my companion to baptize some thirty who were labored with by other Elders and we followed up and baptized them. Two in particular stand out in my memory. One was Sister Nowlin. Her husband was baptized soon after. He later published the genealogy of his line back to Adam and came to Salt Lake City and worked in the temple for several years. We had the privilege of helping with the baptisms and endowments of a lot of them. Another one was Brother Medley who gathered his line and came to the Salt Lake Temple and worked there until he died. I met him there at conference when he was eighty-four years old. He had done a lot of his ancestor's work and had more he hoped to do. When this was done he soon died. I blessed his son when I baptized his father. I named him Woodruff Hale Medley. He is now a Stake Missionary in the Pasadena Stake, California.
Three years after I came home, my wife went to Bountiful to visit her mother and she met a lady that asked if she knew Elder Jonathan H. Hale who was in Tennessee on a mission. When she said, "He is my husband" , the lady told her that he converted me but he doesn't know it. We were too prejudiced to go over there where he was preaching. He spoke so we could hear every word and I could not get his words out of my mind. His testimony made us get in touch with other Elders and here we are in Zion, members of the Church.
I had many experiences and met many fine people and the third summer, 1896, I spent in Tennessee Valley. There I contracted chills and fever and wound up with three weeks of Malaria Fever at the home of Dr. Vaughn in Rutherford County. He doped me with Quinine, calemal and strychnine until he killed the malaria and I resumed my labor. Father had recurrences of malaria, "chills and fever", throughout most of his life. He would be so sick and we children were so frightened and concerned. Olive.
Elder James Larsen of Brigham City and I were called to go over the old fields of labor and hold a series of meetings and give the people another chance to hear our testimony. We held a meeting nearly every night and two on Sundays for about five months and we were successful in reaching a lot of people and made many converts among them.
One day my companion and I were walking through the woods on a foot path to the post office for mail. I had a letter in my pocket to the folks at home and our week's report to Pres. Kimball and no stamps to send them with and no money to buy stamps. I had been carrying them all week. Kicking along in the leaves I saw a bright new dime, picked it up and was able to buy five stamps. I sent my mail and had some stamps for the next week, too.
One day my companion and I were going across a County where the Elders had labored and had not made any friends. We were on our way to another county to labor and we were refused entertainment several times and it started to rain. We were afraid we were in for a stay in the woods when we kneeled down on the roots of a tree that were above the ground, under our umbrellas, and asked the Lord to help us find a friend to care for us. As we arose from our knees we both were prompted to take a foot path into the woods and when we had gone only a few rods we saw a light. It was dark and we could hardly follow the path but it led to a house that we did not know was there. When we reached the home the lady said to come in. "Surely my husband will not turn you out in this rain; he will be in from his chores soon." When he came in his wife told him what she had said. He looked at us and said, "Well, boys, I am afraid you have come to a goat's house for wool, but you can stay with us." They were very kind to us and told us when we left next morning to come any time we were passing that way. We never saw him again. The Lord answered our prayers and that in only a few minutes.
Another night we were caught in the rain and called at a house. The folks were sitting on the big porch. We sat with them and talked a long time and tried every way to get to stay, but they would not let us, so again we went to the Lord in prayer and started out in the rain under our umbrellas. We walked about two miles and came to a home and they welcomed us in and made us feel to home and were our friends. See how the Lord comes to the rescue of His servants in times of need when we humble ourselves and ask His help.
It took a lot of faith to travel like I did without purse or scrip for thirty-one months, winter and summer, rain or shine, and we learned to rely on the Lord. In all that time I never went without more than two meals at any one time and only two nights without a bed. One night we slept in the school house when they all left us without inviting us to go home with them after the meeting. Another night we slept in a horse stable which was clean and dry, but both nights the boards got hard before morning, but it was in the summer when it was warm so we were not cold.
Before I left the Mission Field I had hoped to baptize a group but we were unable to do so. The next year a branch of thirty members was organized there.
I was released from my mission the last of November, thirty-one months from the day I left. I arrived in Salt Lake on the 28th of November and went out to Bountiful to see Mary. She and her family welcomed me. After spending a few days visiting missionaries who had returned home previously and attending a couple of parties with Mary, I went on home to Smithfield. I arrived there on Sunday, Dec 6, 1896, at 12:15 noon. About two hundred of my old friends came down to the depot after Sunday School to meet me. I couldn't help contrasting my home-coming with my departure -- not a soul was there to see me off. I was soon home to my father and mother. I spent the month there and tried to get something to do but was unable to find any work.
At Christmas Mary came from Bountiful and spent the holidays with me and before she returned she had consented to be my wife. She said I waited until after midnight New Year's Eve for her to pop the question because it was Leap Year -- and then I popped it as soon as the New Year had arrived.
I went down to see her at April conference and we made our plans. On the 24th of April I started for Bountiful with a team and a spring wagon to get my bride and her possessions.
On the 28th of April we traveled from Bountiful to Salt Lake City in a little one horse buggy with no top, We were all alone. We went into the Salt Lake Temple at 7:30 A. M. Mary received her endowments and we were married, and got out at 5:20 P. M. It was raining so I had to run over to Z.C.M.I. (Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution) and buy an umbrella to get Mary out of the temple. By the time we got over to the Tithing Yard (where hotel Utah now stands) to get the horse and buggy, it had stopped raining. We drove back to Bountiful that evening where they had a reception for us. We received a nice lot of presents.
On the 30th we were on our way with our team and wagon for our new home north of Smithfield where we arrived May 2nd. We stayed with mother and father until we could move into our new home. I had rented father's farm and he had bought a three room house across the road East of his home for us to live in with four acres of land.
We stayed there and run his farm for six years and there our first three children were born -- Blanch, Horace and Owen Moss hale. While in Smithfield the wind caught Blanch and carried her one hundred yards in the air. Father saw her, and went to the rescue. Horace, also, was caught up into the air with the wind. It took the roof off of father's barn. Owen.
I worked in the Sunday School and taught the First Intermediate class for five years. The members of the class were from ten to twenty years of age. When I left I had one hundred twentyseven in the class and had divided it into three departments with six assistants to help.
We spent a lot of the time in the Temple during the winter. All the Hales came each winter from Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah and spent five or more weeks working there and had a big time on the 1st of February -- Grandfather Jonathan H. Hale's birthday. There were from twenty-five to thirty-five there each winter. I spent four winters there before we moved to Wyoming.
The first of Nov. in 1902 my brother, Frank, and his family and we, together, bought a one hundred sixty acre farm in Freedom, Idaho. The post office was across the road in Freedom, Wyoming. Father felt that he should have more opportunity to work in the church and the Clark family had been telling him about the wonderful country of Star Valley. We lived in an old rented house until we could build a house on our land and then we both lived there until we could build another one for Frank to move into.
I taught the Primary and Kindergarten class for six months and then was made Superintendent of the Sunday School and served there for one and one-half years. While living in Wyoming it was sixty degrees below zero and father grew a beard to help keep him warm. For the 27th of March celebration for the Relief Society Birthday, he was asked to be the Master of Ceremom2ies. He shaved himself clean before going to the program. A member of the ward did not recognize him and asked "Who is that young upstart who is trying to run things."Owen.
We worked in the timber in the winter, getting out logs and having it sawed for lumber to build up with. We fed stock, milked cows and raised hay. We were never without wild game -- water fowl, deer, etc. During the two years we were there it froze every month but one and we became discouraged with the climate. Mary's health was not good. The altitude was too high and she never had good health during the time we were there.
Joseph Merrill (my sister, Grace's, husband) came to see us and we went together to Groveland, Idaho, near Blackfoot. We called on Will Hammond, my cousin, who had moved there from Grantsville, Utah, and had bought an eighty acre farm. It looked good to us. So Frank and I sold the ranch in Wyoming and moved to Groveland in November 1904. When we moved from Star Valley to Blackfoot, we had four wagons and a white top. Father, Uncle Frank and Aunt Cora each drove a wagon and mother drove the white top. They hired Marian Clark to drive one wagon and Horace and I rode with him. We played along some and got behind the others. A coyote trotted along to the side and kept looking at us. We were three frightened little boys. Owen.
According to Ezra the caravan went up through Tin Cup Creek, over, to Gray, around Gray's Lake and over to the Blackfoot Reservoir, down the Blackfoot River, over Lincoln Creek Divide, then followed the Lincoln Creek, crossed the Blackfoot River and into Blackfoot. It was steep and it took a good team to cross over.
In Groveland I bought forty acres of farm land, seeded to alfalfa from Lu Felt. My brother, Frank, bought the forty acres west of mine and there we worked together for about fourteen years. Then he decided to sell out and run a dry farm ten miles north. I bought Frank's place and farmed it until my son, Joseph, purchased it in the spring of 1932.
After they had moved into Groveland Bishop Adam Yancey came to father and said, "What? These little children and no cow? Come up to my place and get a cow and milk her." So they did and they milked that cow until the spring of 1906. Uncle Frank, Horace and a hired man went to Cache Valley and bought thirty head of Holstein cows and trailed them back to Groveland. Horace rode a horse all the way. Father and I went to meet them. When Horace saw us he started to cry, got off the horse and wouldn't ride further he was so sore. I rode the horse the rest of the way home. From the time we met them some place on the reservation until we arrived home, there were twelve cows that calved and we hauled the calves in the back of the white top which had been equipped with only one seat and some panels. This was the start of the dairy industry in Blackfoot. At first father separated the milk and sold the cream. In about 1913-14 he started selling whole milk to a dairy in Blackfoot and this was the beginning of selling whole milk in Blackfoot, getting two bits (25 cents) per gallon.
Soon after we moved to Groveland, Joseph and Grace Merrill came and then my brothers-- Arthur, Edgar, Aroet, Alvin, Eugene and my sister, Zina, and their mother, Aunt Nellie, and my sister, Retta Hammond. For awhile we formed a big part of the Groveland Ward. They have all moved now except Zina and I. Edgar and Emma moved to Pocatello and died there. Aroet moved to Wellsville, Utah, where he died. Arthur, Frank, Alvin and Eugene and their mother all moved to Logan, Utah, and all have preceded me in death except Alvin. At this time, 1957, I have three living sisters -- Viola Gardner and Grace Merrill in Logan and Retta Hammond, Rexburg, Idaho and Zina in Groveland one brother, Alvin, in Logan. Viola is living in Portland now and Zina is still in Groveland. The others have left this earth since father's passing.
In December 1904 1 was set apart as President of the Elders Quorum of the Blackfoot Stake and presided for six years. Then I was ordained a Seventy and set apart as one of the Seven Presidents where I worked until 1914. on the 20th of June 1914 I was ordained a High Priest by James S. Duckworth and set apart as first counselor to John S. Bowker, Bishop of the Groveland Ward. I labored there for nine and one-half years, until 1925.
Father was in the bishopric during World War I and the 1918 flu epidemic. He was just starting his harvest of fifty-five acres of beets when the epidemic struck. He was only able to spend three full days in the field. Owen and Horace bore the major burden of the harvest while father and mother administered to the sick. They were gone much of the time caring for the sick and laying out the dead. Father built at least seven coffins. They would go to attend the sick with old Swiss hooked to the little buggy. Mother made clothes for the dead. Eighteen members of the ward were buried during this time. They were not allowed to hold funerals or any other public meetings. There was no church or no school for several months. Father administered to many who were healed. Emron Yancey was one. Owen.
During the flu epidemic I was called to the home of Brother Allanso S. Fullmer with Bishop John S. Bowker to administer to him. He was sick with the flu. When I arrived his wife and daughter were crying and reading his Patriarchal Blessing and handed it to me. I read it to them and there in it he was promised he should do the work in the temple for his dead relatives. The Bishop came and looked at Bro. Fullmer. he was in a coma and did not know we were there but the Bishop anointed him with oil and called me to seal the anointing. I was prompted to promise him that he should live and fulfill the promise made to him, that he should go to the temple and do work for his kindred dead. Soon after he showed signs of life and talked to us and afterwards he told me he seemed to be up in the corner of the room looking down on us. When we promised him he should receive the fulfillment of his blessing, he felt he must return to his body to finish that work. Soon after his recovery he went to the Salt Lake Temple and did all the work he could get and soon after he died.
I was called in March 1905 to the Mutual Improvement Association Stake Board and spent five years there; then I was President of the Blackfoot Stake M. I. A. for two years. During this time he would often hitch up the team and go to Aberdeen, forty-two miles ' to attend his meetings. He would leave about 3 p.m. and come back some time during the night. Owen
I served as teacher in the Sunday School or Priesthood class in the Groveland Ward most of the time from 1904 until now. I labored as ward teacher for about ten years. I served on a Stake mission during the winter of 1912 with Joseph F. Jensen laboring in Moreland and Riverside. While he was on this home mission, Horace took sick and nearly died. -They came home and administered to him. He vomited and passed green pus. He was sick for a long time. According to information gained from an operation in recent years, this was a ruptured appendix but the Lord blessed him and healed him because of Father's devotion to His work. Owen. Father was later released to come home and take care of his duties at home because of this illness of Horace. -- Olive.
I was on the Stake home missionary list for many years, being called to speak in the different wards at Sacrament Meeting.
During the time that Uncle Ernest and Uncle Arthur were farming in Groveland, Uncle Ernest was on the High Council, and the two of them were called as home missionaries to speak in Aberdeen in the Sacrament Meeting. They had to travel by horse and it took an extra day to make the trip. It was the second Sunday of November and as it had been a cold, wet, nasty fall, most of the sugar beets were still in the field. They felt that they ought to stay home and get their beets out.
But they went to Aberdeen and filled their appointment with this worry in their mind and when they were speaking, one of them remarked that they thought they should be home in the harvest. As soon as they sat down, Bishop Duffin stood up and said to all the congregation: "I promise the Hale brothers that if they will go home and work with all their might, that the Lord will temper the weather such that they will get their crop out before it freezes up."
They came home with the determination that they would put the Bishop to the test so they organized their efforts and worked as hard as they could to fulfill their part of the prediction. They told father and Uncle Frank as they were working together and they did the same thing for they knew they would have to beat Uncle Ernest if they saved their crops. It was a race between them as to who would finish first and it turned out to be a real contest. The first week they were about even but by Wednesday of the second week, father and Uncle Frank hauled their last Load to the dump. The next day they sent their wagons to Uncle Ernest's and picked up the last beets for them.
There were four happy families that night as the freeze started in and the ground didn't thaw out until the last of March. They all felt that this was a true prophecy as well as a reward for doing the Lord's work when called upon to do so.
In about 1915 I was called to be Stake Chairman of the Genealogical Society where I served for over sixteen years. Mary was secretary all that time. I have made many visits in the Stake and have spoken to the people in all of the wards. I have accomplished a lot of work in baptisms and endowments, put many new phases of work in effect and introduced the Book of Remembrance. This has been a source of much pleasure to many people. During the time that I was chairman we never missed an excursion to the Logan Temple. One time we had arranged an excursion and I did not have money for a ticket. We were going on the train. Sunday afternoon before we were to start I was still wondering where I could get five dollars. I must go and lead the way. Then I stuck my thumb in the right upper vest pocket and felt something in there. When I got it out it was a five dollar bill. To this day I can't remember ever putting it there or ever carrying money in my vest pocket. I bought the ticket and went and spent the three days in the temple and had a pleasant time. How ever the money got there, it came out at the right time and was a God-send to me for the occasion.
During this time I was driving our 1918 Buick. I dropped father off at Thomas and was to Leave Brother and Sister HickenZooper in Sterling and was to take mother on to Aberdeen. I was going at a good rate of speed as I approached the down hill grade. I took my foot off the gas and coasted down the hill and up the other side. The car had decreased to about five miles an hour when the Left front wheel came off the car and took off into the sage brush and the axle went down to the ground. We had a slight bump and the car stopped. We found the wheel, put it back on with a cotter key or a nail and We went on to keep the Genealogical assignment. Joseph.
While attending Leadership week in Rexburg in about 1932, my brother Aroet and I were staying with our sister, Grace Merrill, who was there with her children who were in college. Pres. George H. Brimhall from the B. Y. U. was to speak the following morning at the 8 a. m. session on the making of an acceptable family record. That night there was a terrible snow storm. Someone awakened me in the night about 2 a.m. It seemed like Father's voice and he said that the train would be late and Bro. Brimhall would not be there to speak and you will be called on to take his place. I was so shocked that I awakened all in the room (six of them, I think) and told them of my experience and then lay awake thinking what I should say and the theme seemed to unfold before me. At 8 a.m. we went to the meeting and never said a word about what had happened. Brother Lucas called the meeting to order and said that the train is late and Bro. Brimhall will not be here and we are going to call on Brother Jonathan H. Hale to take his place. I arose and told them I did not know how Brother Lucas came to call on me but someone awakened me a few hours ago and told me the train would be late and I would be called to take his place. Then Brother Lucas said, "Couldn't he tell me to call you as easy as he told you to be prepared" I then drew a little diagram on the blackboard and outlined the plan that had come to me in the night after I had been awakened. I outlined the making of a family record for about thirty minutes and in walked Brother Brimhall. I closed. He arose and spent thirty minutes enlarging on what I had said just as though he had been present and never changed the plan at all. And that is the plan still being taught as far as I know with possibly some additions. Often now people will say I was there the morning you took Bro. Brimhall's place and he seemed to know what you had said before he came in.
In 1930 1 was set apart as 1st counselor to Pres. Franklin C. Parkinson of the High Priest Quorum of the Blackfoot Stake. On 4 Sep 1932 I was set apart as alternate High Councilman by John Weiles and 28 May 1933 I was set apart as a member of the High Council by David A. Smith. I was released in 1939.
When I was called to the High Council, Pres. James Duckworth did not ask me if I would accept he told President Parkinson to release me and Brother Charles 0. Packham who were his counselors in the High Priests Quorum. We were both worried and he came to me and asked what I thought it was for. Other members of the High Council congratulated me on my new job and I didn't know what to think about it so I prayed to know what it all meant and the still small voice said, "You have been called to the High Council." The following Sunday was our Stake Conference. When they were sustaining the Stake officers my name was read off to be sustained to the High Council and Brother Packham as the Stake Superintendent of the Sunday School.
From 1926 to 1931 or later I spent most of my time working for the Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. as Agricultural Superintendent and Fieldman directing the growing of beets in the Groveland, Rose, Wapello and Blackfoot districts, which I greatly enjoyed. The first four years I worked just during the spring season. All the rest of my time has been spent on the farm growing beets, milking cows and growing hay and grain to feed to the cows.
While we were in Mesa a few years ago Bro. George Muir of Rexburg took sick and had been passing blood for twenty-one days until he was ghostly white and he went to the doctor. The doctor decided after an X-ray that he should be operated on the next morning. He came to me and wanted to know what I thought about him going to the hospital in Mesa or going home and asked if we could get some help and administer to him. I called in ten or twelve of the winter visitors and we administered to him. While we had our hands on his head the blood stopped and when he went the next morning to the hospital, they told him he didn't need to be operated on, and he has never had any trouble with it since.
While we were in Logan attending the temple in 1944, Olive Boulton Moss, Mary's sister-in-law, was brought to the Logan Hospital from Fielding, Utah, and was operated on for cancer. They found that the cancer had spread so through her vital organs that they dare not touch it and sewed her up and never told her but that they had taken it out. I administered to her and blessed her that she should finish her mission on the earth and she is in good health now and has been since that time to this date, Dec. 28, 1956. Aunt Olive passed away in I976.
While in St. George 16 Mar 1952 we were attending the 4 p.m. Sacrament Meeting in the West Ward. After the meeting I told Mary I felt we should start home, the spirit whispered we should go and she said she had a feeling also that we ought to go. It had been snowing for three days and President Snow had counseled us to wait until the roads were cleared. We started loading up and early Monday morning we started for home. Soon we were up on the black ridge where the roads were covered with snow and slick for over sixty miles. The snow plow had been over it but it was frozen down and coated with ice all the way past Beaver. We saw an oil tanker and trailer tipped over in the borrow pit and a car off the road but we got through all right and got to our daughter Clara's in Murray. They were all fine and then again the spirit whispered to go on so we went on to Aunt Lillie Moss's. She rushed to the door and exclaimed, "They found you! Who got the word to you?" Then we asked what she meant and she said Ted Roundy, Gladys Moss' husband, was dead and all the family was wanting to find us to have us there. We went to David's and stayed and let the folks know we were there. The next morning we went up to Olive's in Brigham City and she got ready and we went to Garland for the funeral. The next day we went on home and learned that my cousin, Charlie Crouch's wife, Rose, was dead and would be buried on Saturday so we again were glad we had listened to the still small voice. If not, we would not have reached home until Saturday night, too late for either of the funerals.
In 1907-08 four cousins and my father were taken in death. Eliphlet, son of Sol E. Hale of Oakley, Idaho, and Frank, son of J. H. Hale of Gentile Valley died in the mission field. Aroet was thrown from the Jackson Fork in haying and Casper was hit by a log sliding down the mountain east of Afton, Wyoming. Father died of a heart attack on 8 Mar 1908. Jonathan Harriman hale, son of Lucius Hale of Afton, Wyoming, the brother of Casper, worried and prayed about the taking of his brother and cousins. He had this vision. He was taken by a guide to a large building and it was filled with people and they found a seat near the door. There on the stand were the four boys and my father was presiding. He called each of the boys to talk. They were explaining the work done for the people in the congregation in the Temple and telling what they must do to get the benefit of the work done for them. This was all that Jonathan needed to satisfy him that they were called to do a greater work.
My brother, Albert, had many experiences. It seemed that the devil tried to keep him from doing the great work he did in the temple for twenty-three years. As a boy just starting to school a wild steer throw him over a light board fence into the tithing yard. Another time he was struck with lightning and for five days he screamed with pain but through administrations he was healed. After his marriage he was hauling baled hay and the load tipped over and buried him under the load. He remembered the bales covering him and then the next he knew he was sitting on the hay, loaded on the wagon, the lines lay across his lap ready to drive on. He was little worse for the experience. He went on and delivered his hay and returned home. Later a man called on him, sat and talked with him for some time and then said, "I must be going", and started north. In a moment Albert thought, it's about twenty miles to Burley, I should not let him start out on foot. He went to stop him, but he was no where to be found. Albert was sure that he was one of the three Nephites and he was also sure that they were the ones who loaded his hay and sat him on his wagon again.
While we were living at Arthur's in Logan doing research and temple work on the Harriman line we found my sixth great-grandfather, Jonathan Harriman, had lost his wife and was left with a baby girl and had married a widow named Margaret E. Wood with a little boy baby.
Our line ran back through her second son, born to she and Jonathan. We got permission from Pres. Quinney to seal Margaret and Jonathan to each other, but he was called to preside as Mission President over the East Canadian Mission before we got it done. Pres. Elray L. Christianson took his place as President of the Temple. When we presented the problem to him he wanted to send to Salt Lake City and get sanction from there because it is the rule to seal as they were in life. So he sent the question to Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith and he took it to Pres. George F. Richards and they both thought I was right in thinking she would rather go with Jonathan than with her first husband that died and left her with the baby, for she and Jonathan had eight children and they lived until they were eighty-two and eighty-three years old and had four generations of children when they died. While the letter was in Salt Lake, Margaret Elithorpe (Wood), her son by Wood, and eight children by Jonathan, came to me in the night. She said she wanted to be sealed to Jonathan and then her oldest son by Jonathan said they all wanted to be sealed to their father and then tier son, Thomas Wood, said he wanted to go with his mother and be sealed to Jonathan. We were given permission and on the 8th of November 1943 we stood for the parents and was sealed and had all the children sealed to their parents. It was a glorious day, never to be forgotten.
I spent a short time in the temple every year for many years. In 1935 and 1936 we spent part of the winter in the Logan Temple. In January 1937 we went to Mesa, Arizona, and visited all the temples on the way-- Logan, Salt Lake, Manti, St. George. We spent seven weeks in the temple and enjoyed the nice climate. We went back in 1939 and 1940. Then we spent three years in the Logan Temple where we lived in Arthur W. Hale's basement and attended all the sessions in the temple. We did endowments for three thousand and we were sealed for three thousand couples on the Moss and Hale lines. Since then we have spent about three months in the Mesa Temple each winter and have done over 3500 names there, Mary and I, together.
In 1946 while in Mesa we received a letter from Pres. Smith calling us to officiate in the Idaho Falls Temple and on returning home in the spring we started our work there. This winter, 1956-57, is the l7th winter we have spent in Mesa in the temple. From March to November we have served as officiators in the Idaho Falls Temple.