I look back retro-spectively at my life - I think about all the people
that have crossed my path. And I think about those that really
"stood out" - those that had a very positive effect on my life. I think
about what made them different and what I respected about them most -
and what was I able to take from them in the most positive way.A
few things come to mind. One thing that has always touched me and
of which I have taken interest - are those people that go through life
- constantly looking for ways that they can be a positive force to
others - people who go through life finding ways to "give
back" to their family, their church, their community, and their
friends and associates - and do so in a humble and non
self-grandizingly way. I note it rarely has anything to do with how
much "time" they have or dont have - but simply a mode of life - that
they find purpose, meaning and even happiness - in helping others and
giving and sharing instead of just "receiving". People who
understood the Christian principle of losing themselevs in the service of
our fellow beings and in so doing being in the service of our God
- and yet very much finding peace, purpose, love even when it wasnt
these things they were directly looking for.Another
thing that has always impressed me - is the difference between people
who simply "report" the problems and challenges of life - and those who
proactively and consciously decide to be part of the solution to the
problems this word faces both individually and collectively. I admire those who are proactive and not
reactive. Those that carve out their destiny and not just accept
fate. And
thirdly I have always been impressed by those that DONT just go
through life "operating in a vacuum" or as "a one man band" - but
those who learn and proactively find way to work with others, to find
positive ways to create synergy in a group - and who dont expect
everyone to think and act just like they do. But rather those who
find unity instead of disparity, those that find commonality in the
middle of diversity and find ways to work together - instead of
giving up when other people don't think or do the way they would. Those
and realize the world doesnt revolve around them. I have been impressed
by those that in a way that does not generate defensiveness, focus on sharing their uplifting
faith with others - instead of tearing down a "different type" of faith
that others adhere to.
Those that look for potential in others instead of focusing
on the current imperfection. Those that build up instead of tear
down. Those that build bridges instead of burn them. These
principles above, impact every aspect of the lives of each one of us -
with our most intimate relations and with our must public
forums. I have also seen these same principles manifest
themselves in the area of genealogical research. It
has always impressed me - when I find those people that look beyond just what some
service, program, website, or activity can GIVE to them - BUT RATHER
focus on how such things can be a conduit whereby they can GIVE BACK to others -
giving back to their family, their ancestors, the genealogical
community and the world using such facilities. I
have seen this in examples like FAMILY SEARCH INDEXING, or
FINDAGRAVE crowdsourcing, or ways of sharing genealogical data. In my
humble opinion, way too many people simply focus on "whats in
it for me" - - what can I get from what I desire to find out of a
given service - and conversely those people who look for ways that
they can GIVE BACK through these same facilities to others.This
has been one reason that I have been impressed by both FamilySearch
(even with all its well known imperfections) as well as FINDAGRAVE (
and its quirks, issues and shortcomings). I
have found
by specific examples how in the Yancey Family - we have arrived at
great success in many areas of family history - because people
saw the potential in these
systems - and not their flaws, people who tried to become part of
the solution and not just "reporters" of the issues. People who worked
hard to make flowers bloom instead of just reporting that
the ground was too
dry to grow flowers. People that learned to work with other
people - of differing
opinions - instead of just working in a vaccum and in total control. I
realize that everyone is unique - and that we all will find differing
ways to "give back" - to our family, to our community, to
our faith, to the world - - it doesnt have to be with GENEALOGY -BUT
I challenge all of you to FIND WAYS, MAKE WAYS to freely give and give
back to others (not looking for reward or recognition) - and in so
doing you will find your own purpose, mission, happiness and joy in
life. It has very little to do with "how much time we have" - but
how we choose to spend the time we do have.GIVE BACK! - you will find it makes a world of difference.
Family Search Indexing: