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The Family Bible Preservation Project
Dedicated to the collection, indexing and preservation of
digital copies of family bible records from around the world

PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK and share your questions and comments!

  Currently at  a count of over 40,000 items -  working toward a major milestone of 50,000 files to be processed.  Will YOU help us reach our goal?  .

*** CLICK HERE for the current processing batch ***


Are you or your organization Interested in a Genealogical Service Project in preserving family bible records?

for any questions about this project  - contact   or  read this brief summary

Also of Interest: Samplers and Prayer Books


Over time our organization, "The Family Bible Preservation Project",  has collected and uploaded thousands of family bible records to FamilySearch's Memories Albums.   FamilySearch is one of the most popular FREE genealogical websites in the world. The Memories feature of FamilySearch is a way that photos, documents and other items of a genealogical nature can be uploaded, preserved and made available to those doing family history and genealogical research. 

Some of these uploads to Familysearch by our team are transcripts of the family bible records  and others are actual images of the family record in the bible.  Family bible records often include birth, death and marriage information for the family who was the original owner of the bible.

These family bible records are not limited to any specific family surname or location but could be any family in any worldwide location though most are American Bibles  in the time period between 1800 and 1900.

The information in a bible record is often "one of a kind" - and thus the high value of the genealogical information that needs to be preserved in such records to aid those doing family research.

We are in the process of indexing/linking/tagging these bible records, which have been uploaded to FamilySearch,  attaching them to the corresponding  persons/families in FamilySearch genealogical FamilyTree.

BUT because we have thousands of records we are looking for help in this project.

There really is no requirement to be able to help - but a FamilySearch account (free)   is obviously needed  if you dont already have one.  (click here to create a free account)

People who already have experience using FamilySearch Memories have a great advantage, but anyone willing to help is welcome.


To create Tags (Links) between a Bible Record  and the FamilySearch FamilyTree profile record for the people mentioned in the bible record - and doing this (with the help of many other people) for thousands of bible records that have already been uploaded to FamilySearch Memories Albums.  Working with a group of people the work can be reduced to a much smaller effort between many people - each individual person doing a much smaller set of records.

EXAMPLES of  Bible Records in FamilySearch Albums:

Bible transcriptions

Images of Bible Records

Bible Records that have already been processed and linked to FamilyTree records.


(these are very high level instructions assuming one already has experience using Family Search Memories)
More detailed instructions can be provided, if needed)


Any questions or comments



This would be a great SERVICE PROJECT for anyone interested

(Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Youth Groups, Single Adults,  Retired Persons, Genealogical Societies/groups,  DAR members and more.)

The great thing is people can work at their own pace and own schedule without any pressure.

This can be a great community based project for people who are retired, unemployed, home bound, people with certain disabilities, and even people battling depression and lack of self worth.  Projects like this can often provide people with purpose and fulfilment.



Family Bible Chasers is not a legal entity or corporation - simply a group interested in preserving family bible records.

Our organization is totally free from any financial incentive.  We do not charge for any services and any bible records we compile, record and preserve - will never be used to gain any financial profit.  In fact the entire intent is to  make such records totally free and easily accessible over the Internet.   We do not advertise anything for sale or charge.  No money is needed or asked for to participate.

Familysearch, with whom we work to preserve these records, is a non profit organization and they also do not charge for  any of their services.

Anyone with an interest is allowed to participate.  We do not discriminate - Anyone in any location can participate  - as long as they have computer and Internet access.  Thousands of Bible records have been uploaded to FamilySearch and are just waiting to be processed.

This project will allow generation to come to have access to family bible records - potentially of their own ancetsors.


Mark Gardner's Training Video

 Stephen Snow Eagle Project Training Video

Cute short video clip:

Creating a Free FamilySearch Account

Getting Started with Family History

Using FamilySearch Memories



CLICK HERE for the current processing batch




Rare find of a Family Bible

Lost and Found Family Bible

Family Bible Records used in genealogy

A Sample Bible Record below:









Other Family Bibile Related Sites:

Check out the Family Bible Index - by clicking here.




Family Bible Preservation Project - FAQ's

FAQ:  How long should I spend processing one Family Bible entry?
That kind of depends - but it should be realized that the hope is to maximize the number of bibles processed (since we have thousands pending) and preferably do only do 2-4 names per bible and move on.  When you are new to the process it can take some time to learn the ropes  -  but once you get the rhythm of it  - and assuming the corresponding persons are in FamiliySearch to be found - it really shouldn't take more than 5-6 minutes per bible.  Once you "know the ropes" and are familiar with the process - if it is taking you more than 5-6  minutes -  and you aren't really making any progress - then simply add a comment to the comment field at the bottom - sharing this point  - and move on to the next record. 

FAQ: Is there always a corresponding / matching person entry in FamilySarch Family Tree to be found?
No - but a surprisingly high percent are to be easily found in FS Family Tree. 
If you don't find a match within 5-6 minutes - feel free to move on to the next entry.

FAQ:  Are there any training videos?
Yes - here are at least TWO.  If you are familiar with doing work across two simultaneously open windows  - take a look at Mark Gardner's approach:
If not - take a look at Stephen Snow's Eagle Project training video -

FAQ:  I see that some records are digital images and some are textual transcriptions.  Do I follow the same steps for both?  
Almost, but not quite.  The very initial steps are different.  In an image file your first step is selecting a part of the image that applies to a given person. In a family photo - it would be selecting the face of the person - but in a bible image it is selecting the name of the person in the bible image.   If you are getting frustrated processing image files - skip them and go on to straight transcribed text files ("stories") - and then later on the next time you have a chance have someone sit with you and show you how to initiate the process on an image file.   

FAQ: What should I do as I finish each memory item?
At the bottom of each page there is a field that allows you to submit a comment or note. 
Use it to enter "todays date"  and in so doing an email will be generated that lets me know of your work. 

FAQ: What if the bible image is difficult to read or illegible?
Please note there are links to zoom in and out of the image.  But if you find the image is just too hard to read, even when enlarged - just make a comment of such and move on to  the next bible. 

FAQ:  Do the bibles need to be processed in order?
No - feel free to process any of them you wish. 
You might for example start from the bottom, instead of the top.

FAQ:  Will the bibles be permanently part of the batch folder?
NO - periodically they are moved from the "current batch" to a processed folder. 

FAQ:  What do I do if the memory item seems mis-placed, without detail, or  has nothing to do with a Family Bible? 
Feel free to add a comment on the bottom of the page as to such point - and just move on to the next bible.

FAQ:  How many bibles to tag are there?  
Thats a good question. The number keeps increasing.  The number is in the tens of thousands .  . . 

FAQ:  Sometimes I select a person to tag/link - and in the end - someone else's name pops up,  what to do??  
There is a known bug in FamilySearch Family Tree that manifests itself in this way.  If you are dealing with this - take a look at the training video of Mark Gardner - he shows a methodology that should work in getting around  the issue.   The key step in avoiding this bug - is how in Mark's video at a very specific key point in the process  he does a refresh of the page. 

FAQ:  Can anyone volunteer and be part of the Family Bible Preservation Project?? 
Yes - as long as you have a FamilySearch account (free)  and have some free time  and a computer (and preferably have some experience using FamilySearch Memories.
Please consider sharing this opportunity with friends, neighbors, church members, fellow genealogists, missionaries, Youth, singe adults, disabled, "shut-ins" and anyone else. 
FAQ:  How do I get back to a specific bible or person I was once looking at or processing. 
Bookmarks are your best friend!! 🙂   I  highly suggest you learn how to bookmark pages (or otherwise copy and paste url's to a log file/document) 

FAQ: Do I have to process a certain number in a certain time period?
NO - we appreciate any you do at all, at any time, any place and any number. 
whether you are someone who takes their time and does a few a night, or one of our speedsters who does 20 or so in an hour. It doesn't matter - your participation makes a difference!!!

FAQ:  What does "FAQ" stand for??
Frequently Asked Questions.

 FAQ:  If I have any question who can I ask?
Any Questions contact:  Dennis J Yancey  -

General Message Invite